Dr. Cheryl Roberts and Miller Adams, Esq.

Dr. Cheryl Roberts and Miller Adams, Esq.

Both Cheryl and Miller graduated from Seattle University located in the heart of the central district in Seattle, Washington. Dr. Roberts forged her educational path starting with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Seattle University, a Master of Arts in Student Personnel Administration in Higher Education from The Ohio State University, and a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership from Seattle University. Cheryl loves learning and received accolades and honors throughout her educational experience.

Miller Adams graduated from Seattle University with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology. He attended the University of Puget Sound (UPS) School of Law in Tacoma, Washington, graduating with a Juris Doctor degree. An interesting factoid, UPS School of Law was purchased by Seattle University and moved to Seattle many years after Miller graduated. It is now the Seattle University School of Law. The legal profession runs deep in Miller’s family. He is one of several attorneys who led prestigious careers.

Miller is the youngest of three children. His mother, Tessie Miller Adams, was born in Seattle in 1914 as the only child of Evan and Geneva Miller. They were one of the first Black families in Seattle. Tessie was among the first Black students at the University of Washington, and following graduation, started her teaching career at Tuskegee Institute, now Tuskegee University, in Alabama. Miller’s mother met Robert Adams on the campus of Northwestern University during a summer study program. They were married and remained in Chicago for several years as they earned graduate degrees. Miller’s two sisters were born in Chicago. Miller was born in Seattle. Upon moving to Seattle both his mother and father worked for the Seattle Public Schools. Education was always top of mind in the Adams’ family with several children across the family attending Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU).

While Dr. Roberts has extensive professional and academic experience, her love of and commitment to education and public service started as a child. Her parents continue to be her inspiration. Both were high school valedictorians who never saw segregation and legal discrimination as a reason not to strive to do and be your best. Both have college degrees from HBCUs and led value-driven lives, always leaving things better than they found them. Her father, LeRoy Roberts Jr., is the eldest of eight children. He learned to fly airplanes knowing it was illegal to own a pilot’s license in Georgia. He is a member of the famed Tuskegee Airmen, and was among the first African-Americans to lead an integrated squadron during the Korean War. He received the Medal of Honor and finished his career as a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Air Force. Her mother, Ann Johnson Roberts, grew up in South Carolina. She graduated from the historically Black college Benedict—where she taught first-year English at the age of 15, even before receiving her baccalaureate degree at age 18. She had a love of books and continued her education to become an academic librarian.

Knowing that education fosters social and economic mobility, Cheryl & Miller decided to establish this scholarship not only here at Chemeketa but also at Shoreline Community College. Having someone come alongside you at a time when you’re questing and living into your hopes and dreams is so important. This scholarship reminds students that life may not always be easy or convenient but there are people who will help you live into your possibilities.


The inspiration for this scholarship is grounded in the belief that everyone should have the chance to live into their potential. It is Cheryl and Miller’s hope that this scholarship will help the recipient to do more, be more, and achieve more than thought possible. As a result of receiving this scholarship, the recipient will be inspired to ‘pay it forward’ and help a future Chemeketa student fulfil their dreams.

Fond of citing inspirational quotes, Dr. Roberts often refers to Marcel Proust: “The voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes." Both Miller and Cheryl hope this scholarship will provide the catalyst for the recipient to see themselves with ‘new eyes’ and to help them finish what they start!
