Give a Little Foundation

Give a Little Foundation

The Give a Little Foundation is an independent grassroots nonprofit organization. Our mission is to provide one-time assistance to individuals and families in Yamhill County who are experiencing temporary financial difficulties as well as to alleviate hardship and enhance the quality of life of school children and those on very limited budgets.

We believe in the following guiding principles:

  • That modest amounts of money or assistance, provided at the right time, can make a critical difference in people’s lives.
  • That we all have something to offer, and we all can give a little.
  • That if everyone gives a little, amazing things can happen.
  • That a caring community is possible and worthwhile.​


The Give a Little Foundation established a scholarship fund in support of high school graduates residing in Yamhill County who are first-generation college students, have lived (or currently live) in foster care, or have experienced homelessness.
