In memory of Bryce Bagnall

In memory of Bryce Bagnall

The Bryce Bagnall and Supporters Of Bryce (SOB) Scholarship was set up in the name of winemaker and vineyard owner Bryce Bagnall who was diagnosed with ALS, often called Lou Gehrig’s Disease. As his health worsened the Oregon wine industry stepped up to help Bryce continue to grow grapes and bottle wine. They also provided tremendous friendship and support to Bryce and his family. After Bryce passed away, this same group of supporters established the scholarship in his name.


Established in loving memory of Bryce, by his wife Marcia and the Oregon wine industry, this scholarship aims to carry forward his spirit of generosity and community-mindedness. Recipients of this scholarship must list specific ways they plan to serve and benefit their Oregon wine industry neighbors and colleagues.
