In memory of Cassy Hanson

In memory of Cassy Hanson

Doreen Casandra (Cassy) Hanson (Petersen) grew up in Salem, OR. In August of 1982, Cassy married an apple rancher, Douglas Petersen, and moved to the beautiful Entiat Valley, located in Central Washington, and was later blessed with three children, Jordan, Elizabeth, and Jacob. During her years in Entiat, Cassy gained a passion for all things farm, country, and family. She was involved in her community and had many passions. She was a youth group leader, lifelong love for distance running. She ran in many races across the United States, including the Honolulu Marathon, the Portland Marathon, the Victoria Marathon, and most notably, the Boston Marathon. Her approach to running and fitness was a beautiful reflection of her determination and passion for life. Cassy was also a gifted artist and creative homemaker. She could take the most simple of household items and craft elegant, charming decor. Her illustrious Christmas bows were particularly loved and cherished by all. She loved nothing more than to rally her family together for tail-gate cookouts and movie marathons. To Cassy, nearly every occasion called for a family celebration.

In 2004, Cassy moved to the Willamette Valley and met her current husband, John Koster, in 2008. As a result, she gained John’s children, Megan and Talina Corvus, Thaddeus Koster, and a grandson, Archimedes Corvus. Cassy often enjoyed riding her bike in the hot sun, spending quite evenings with John working on crossword puzzles, and visiting the Blackbroom Farm. In 2008, Cassy returned to academics to pursue a career in mathematics. Her passion for learning and determination to succeed was evident as she graduated from Western Oregon University in 2013, and accepted a full academic scholarship to Arizona State University’s PhD Mathematics Program. Cassy died on August 22, 2014, under the tender care of John and her family.

Cassy Hanson was a woman of joy and spirit. Her laugh was infectious, her passion contagious, and her joy inspiring. She treasured her family, her children above all. She had an elegant simplicity about her, something of a delicate rose. She relied heavily on her faith in God during times of hardship and trial. She was a lover of vegetables galore, could never resist a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, and lived for ‘happily-ever-afters’. She fought her battle with cancer with grace and steadfast faith. She was a shining star to her friends and family and will be dearly missed.


This scholarship was established in loving memory of Cassy Hanson by friends and family.
