In memory of Dawn Beeler Marges

In memory of Dawn Beeler Marges

An Oregon transplant and a long-time Chemeketa Community College employee, Dawn Beeler Marges was born in Clawson, Michigan on August 16, 1939, a community she visited regularly for the rest of her life. She was the first in her family to attend college and she graduated as Valedictorian from Clawson High School at the age of 16 and with honors from Michigan State University at the age of 18. She went on to earn her master’s degree from Michigan State a few years later.

Upon graduation, Dawn began her professional career in Early Childhood Education as an elementary school teacher. After moving to Salem in 1967, she helped run Happytime, a cooperative pre-k and kindergarten. Dawn then became the director of the Early Childhood Education Program at Chemeketa Community College. In this role, she oversaw the academic program as well as the campus child care center. Toward the end of her career, the Governor appointed Dawn to work with businesses across the state of Oregon to establish childcare in the workplace.

Dawn was civic-minded and worked tirelessly to improve the lives of others. She supported families, children, and environmental initiatives. While at Chemeketa, she envisioned, lobbied for, and created a Welfare to Work program that helped parents who had not graduated from high school. The program consisted of GED studies, childcare, and parenting classes providing integrated support to multiple generations.

Dawn was smart and strong, both physically and mentally. She was a friend and a mentor. She reminded us to have empathy, to understand the perspectives of others, to do what is right, and to stay true to one’s values. She believed that providing for children was providing for the future. She took each child seriously and did her best to help them reach their potential.

Dawn died from Alzheimer’s Disease in 2023 and her legacy is supported by family and friends who loved her dearly. This fund was created to continue shining Dawn’s light.


This scholarship was established by friends and family of Dawn Beeler Marges, to honor her life and legacy of advocating for education and to commemorate her time as Chemeketa’s Early Childhood Education Program Director. This scholarship will support students in the ECE Program at Chemeketa.
