In memory of Dean Olheiser

In memory of Dean Olheiser

Dean and his family moved to Oregon in 1950 where his father farmed and worked on numerous dairies all over the Willamette Valley. He developed a love of cars and tractors at an early age, working on everything on the farms, including equipment and vehicles.

He attended and graduated from Mt. Angel Preparatory High School in 1964 and later earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Automotive Technology from Oregon Technical Institute, before being drafted to the Air Force in 1966. His time in the Air Force took him the Philippines, and finally to Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, where he met his future wife, Ellen, while working on her corvair. He spent much of his free time there working on his now-familiar 1957 Nomad.

He worked for Ford Motor Company in Detroit, MI as a combustion Engineer for many years before returning back to Oregon to work as an Automotive Instructor at Chemeketa Community College for 25 years where he retired.

Deans passion for cars and tractors can be showcased by the vast collection at his shop. He had a talent for creating extraordinary pieces from scrapes and templates. He built many engines and cars for friends and family over the years, including those for his children.


The Automotive Technology Student Scholarship was dedicated in memory of Dean Olheiser in 2022 thanks to contributions from family and friends, including his son Sam Olheiser who currently serves as an Automotive Technology Instructor at Chemeketa.
